Sunday, February 28, 2016

By My Side

By My Side

by romance author MoGeSu

I can't touch him, I can't see him but I know he never leaves me.
Though his touch is not physical the thought of it sends warmth through my veins.
His words hug my mind and comfort my aching soul.
I can hear his mental tears that he cries for me when he knows I'm in pain.
The kisses he subliminally place upon my lips leave a taste that is everlasting.

I hang on to his every word that he speaks and each thought that he thinks.
Even though he is not right here he stays continuously by my side.
His goodbyes are never for long but to me it seems like an eternity.
Holding my breath to see what else he has to share with me next, I miss him dearly.

Two individuals living separate lives, miles apart, never have been together.
But yet we unknowingly move in unison, think as one, and act as a whole.
Though not physically our lives are now spiritually bound.

Fear and uncertainty of what’s to come try to take control but we are now equally yoked;
Making us unshakable, unbreakable, unstoppable, and strong in our unity.

Whether you can see him or not, I am never alone. He is always by my side.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Never Too Much, A Love Story by romance author MoGeSu

Have you ever fallen in love? How long did it take? Were you caught off guard or could you see it coming?  So quietly and so quickly, a feeling creeps up, sinks in, and takes control. It should take years, a lifetime even, for someone to come into your world and just completely melt the protective layers of your heart but it doesn’t. I completely wasn’t ready. Were you?
The sound of his voice, the smile of his eyes, the fullness of his lips and damn sure the touch of his hand keeps my heart on fire and my soul begging for more. How is it that I can’t get enough? When we aren’t together nothing is quite right, nothing falls into its rightful place. When he is around I try to hide the emotion from my face. Can he see it? I’m sure when his tongue licks my naked body and explore the folds of my most sensitive spots he can definitely taste all that I try to keep hidden inside.

I’ve always wondered if there was a difference between just loving someone and being in love them. Not only is there a difference, the difference is quite significant. Loving someone is just that, you love them. No more, no less. You’re used to each other and it’s regrettably no longer as special. It is what it is. When you’re in love the passion is still there. The fire still burns very hot; the yearning still runs soul deep.
Being in love is not just that, it’s so very much more. You can still feel that person’s hands on you long after they’re gone. You feel their gravitational pull on you despite the fact that you aren’t even in their physical presence. Being in love is powerful to a blinding fault, that’s why I didn’t see it coming.

It happens so fast just after a simple glance, then a kiss, eventually a touch and then u fall. It feels good but yet its hella scary. I need to get enough so I can move on but I can’t and honestly don’t even want to. I am still oh so thirsty, hungry even, wanting more than I could ever possibly consume. My spirit runneth over, drunk off this intoxicating intensity that flows freely from him and instantly ignites the fever in me. The mere thought takes my breath away then he kisses me and brings air back into my life. The constant give and take between two people truly in love is never too much. They embrace it, and each other, with open hearts, souls and minds. 

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Get your copy of "Dreams Really Do Come True" to enhance the Valentine's Day experience!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Excerpt from "Truly Yours," the follow up novel to "Dreams Really Do Come True" by romance author MoGeSu

It was almost lunchtime and all the cars had been finished up and moved out early. More would probably come in. The guys had left the shop to go goof off but would check back later in the day. Coming from inside the office was the sound of music, laughter, and Spanish conversation. Aaron liked having Manuela around. She was a big help and everyone liked her. People still asked about Dorian all the time, though, which would put Aaron in a fog.

Things had been going really good and he hadn’t wanted to mess that up so he never told her about Manuela. He knew she was feeling insecure and he didn’t want anything to intensify that. Except for the whole neck massage incident, Manuela was working out just fine. He had wanted Dorian to take the time she needed to get back to being herself. Just finding her taking a nap in their bed a few weeks ago had been a step in the right direction, but last night took them three steps back.

She reacted to him touching her like he was a stranger who had no right to put his hands on her in such a way. He hadn’t known how to react so he got out of dodge as soon as he could. He’d barely slept. For a good portion of the night he laid and watched her sleep. He wanted to kiss her, he wanted to hold her, but he stayed on his side and watched from afar. She obviously was dreaming about him because she constantly whispered his name. All he knew is that he wanted his wife back.

 “Aaron?” Manuela said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Yes?” he answered.

“Where were you just then?” she questioned softly.

He shook his head. “Nowhere. I’m good.”

She walked over to Dorian’s desk where he was seated and sat on the edge closest to him. There was a huge feast spread out in front of Aaron that Manuela had thoughtfully prepared. It all smelled delicious but Aaron didn’t have much of an appetite. She crossed her legs and flung her hair to one side. As she did so, movement near the office door caught her attention but she did not acknowledge it. Manuela noticed her from the picture of their family on the wall so she knew exactly who she was.

“I understand you are going through so much. Your family is really lucky to have such a hardworking, caring man in their lives. You know whenever you need to talk, I’m here,” she told him.

“Thank you. I appreciate that, Manuela.” He sighed.

“Eres muy bienvenido Papi Chulo,” she answered back.

He heard her but he didn’t answer. He was somewhere deeply lost in his thoughts again. He was smiling. Papi Chulo was what Dorian calls him when they are making love. His wife knew exactly how to satisfy him even after all this time. He knew she was feeling insecure about herself right now, but in his eyes, she didn’t need to. She was all the woman he wanted and needed.

“You need to eat. Taste this. After all, I made it especially for you. I’m sure it brings back memories of living in a Hispanic home. You know nothing could ever top that!” she exclaimed while hand feeding him.

Without thinking he opened his mouth and let her feed him. As soon as he took a bite he looked up and saw Dorian standing there, eyes full of tears but pretending to be too strong to cry. No sooner than he saw her, she was gone.

Get the full novel now:

Until next time you guys, be on the lookout for more from your girl MoGeSu!!

InstaGram and Twitter: Author.MoGesu